
Exaggerated Tales of Oreo Jones - Derbis Island 12

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Day 12: The farther we go into the jungle the more different it starts to look from the other side of the island, the jungle is much thicker and many parts are darker. The trees reach much higher and we are starting to notice sounds of other creatures around us. Some familiar like the calls of the hussies but then we heard calls that sounded like larger birds high in the canopy and the sound of small monkeys. We let Raulado think he was guiding us as we used him to test for danger ahead of us, letting him walk at least 15 paces in front of us at all times. Soon we learned that we were not the only one following Raulado around, a medium sized predator was stalking him and he was completely oblivious. Quickly we grabbed our cameras and started to drift back further from Raulado, who was too high on painkillers to notice as he talked to himself and continued on. Documenting as much as we could we waited to see what this creature would do and when we started to reach a point with more sun light it happened. The animal made it's move and pounced on Raulado, landing on his shoulders and back and knocking him to the ground. It was a Derbis Fossa, a cat like creature that thought it got lucky and found the perfect prey. Raulado was far too large to be eaten by the Derbis Fossa, so we took pictures and tried to remain as quiet as possible. Not wanting to appear as a threat to the fossa we kept our distance, Raulado managed to fight it off as he flailed and struggled to get up. He was so medicated he actually had no idea what had happened and thought he just tripped. He did not sustain any real injuries and we got another animal to add to our list, I must say it was a great day for our team.
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